Trade Show
We take pride in never having to offer discounts because of our lowest price guarantee, not even on Black Fridays. That's why instead of raising the price and giving out discounts we want to have our customers receive the savings up front. Because we are direct from the manufacturer here in Los Angeles, we are able to beat or match any price, including their valid discounts, for custom curtains if they meet the following conditions:
1) Custom made in the US
2) Similar grade/quality of fabrics
3) Same heading style, amount of fabrics used, width, height, and quantity ordered.
4) Price comparison includes shipping, handling and taxes (we don't charge shipping fee for 48 states and no sales tax outside of California).

Trade Show
A trade show is an event held to bring together members of a particular industry to display, demonstrate, and discuss their latest products and services. Major trade shows usually take place in convention centers in larger cities and last several days
Business Events Worldwide
Trade Show 2022